Firmware updates are done when the mobile device and the touch io reader are in close proximity to each other. The smart device (phone, tablet, etc.) downloads the firmware from the cloud and passes it over to the touch io reader via Bluetooth.
From your smart device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) log in to the pdk io app.
Select and tap the Cloud Node that controls the desired touch io device.
Tap the Configuration icon. (You must have an Integrator permission role to access this option.)
From the list of touch io door devices, find and tap the named device to select it for an update.
NOTE: Touch io devices are identified by the label touch which appears beneath the name of the device.
A screen similar to the following appears.
At the physical location of the touch io door reader, tap the CHECK FOR UPDATE button on your smart device. (Your smart device must be in close proximity to the touch io reader.) A screen message displays:
Please touch the reader
Touch the touch io reader.
If a firmware update is available for the device, you’ll need to remain with the device until the update has been completed.
NOTE: Running any other applications or functions during the update could adversely affect the update and prevent it from completing.
Progress of the upgrade is displayed on your smart device and lights will be displayed on the reader during the upgrade (about 3 to 5 minutes).
If no upgrade is required, a corresponding message is displayed:
Error: Reader has no upgrade available!
This simply means that the reader’s firmware is up to date.
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