The Touch io backlight checkbox was removed from Touch io settings
The Backlight feature has been disabled due to power constraints; therefore, this option can no longer be set. The checkbox was removed from the interface.
Credential Reporting UI
The Credentials Reports icon was found to be larger than the others. As a result, the name of this section was located lower than neighboring values.
Changed the validation error when a user tries to add a credential number filter without any value.
The Panel menu was being opened instead of the Reports page after clicking the PDK logo at the Add\Edit Credentials Reports page. - Fixed
The color of the Filter placeholder was different from the placeholder of the Credential Number or Range field. - Fixed
- Renamed the options for the Credential Type filter.
Necessary to write After\Before\Range in the filter item (with a capital first letter instead of lower case letter) that is already added to the list. - Fixed
Need to add dot into the end of several validations errors.]
The incorrect date was being displayed for already added Creation Date and Last Scan Date filters if After or Before period was selected. - Fixed
Received info was not displayed in the Last Scan details dialog. - Fixed
When adding an Aperio device, "Redundant fields have been found: port" was displayed
The message "Redundant fields have been found: port" was produced when trying to add an Aperio device through the Discovery tab. The port field was removed from the dialog that is presented in the Discovery tab when an Aperio device is added. - Fixed
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