PDKIO-2116 - Allowed Elevator Floor Relays to be the target device in rules.
PDKIO-2121 - Additional readers now follow the auto-open rules for their associated primary reader. (Removed additional readers as target devices for auto open rules)
PDKIO-1976 - Added max length validation for the partition field on csv import (<=70)
PDKIO-1977 - Added Minimum value for active/expire dates on CSV import (>=02/01/1900)
PDKIO-1957 - Improved validation of the email field in import CSV
PDKIO-2099 - Improved the logic for tracking commloss states, especially over restarts.
PDKIO-2194 - Resolved an issue not allowing a new customer to be created with the azure AD integration enabled.
PDKIO-2204 - Update the DPS and REX labels to show their respective inputs.
PDKIO-2203 - Removed duplicate timezones from the configuration timezone selection.
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