Adding People
Tapping or clicking the plus button will open a dialogue box, allowing you to add either a single person or use a CSV template file to import. This dialogue box contains two tabs, Single and Import.
When tapping/clicking the plus in the People window, the Single tab will be brought up. This tab allows individual people to be added to the system.
Enter the First Name and Last Name of the person being added, and then tap/click Add.
Tapping/clicking the Import tab changes the dialogue box to allow importing multiple people using a template file. You can also download the import template file for your use.
You can download the template file, a CSV (comma-separated values) file, by clicking the link in the lower-left corner of the dialogue box. The template file, a spreadsheet file named 'import_persons_template.csv', can be used to bulk import People into a Cloud Node system. For more information on how to use the Import Template, please refer to the article Understanding how to use the People Import Template
After populating the import template with People and their details (to a maximum of 5000 entries on a 2.0 Customer account and 1000 entries on a 1.0 Cloud Node), tapping/clicking the 'Select CSV' will allow you to select the file. If you have multiple Partitions configured on the Cloud Node, you will need to select which partition the imported people will be added to.
Tapping/clicking the "Allow import to update or overwrite records" option allows you to specify if the records for People are to be updated/changed/deleted on import. You will be prompted to review the changes and choose the action to take for the duplicate entries (those that will need to be updated/changed/deleted).
Note: Using the Import function is most effective when a large number of People and Credentials need to be added at one time. Entering a group that does not yet exist will create that group as a new group and add each of the persons to that group.
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