When viewing Live Events, there are a number of Events that can be displayed. These differ from the Events displayed and available for use with People/Group Rules and System Event Rules. The Live Events feed will display all Events available or filtered only to show certain event types. Any Event in Live Events will display the Door/Device where the Event occurred, if applicable.
- Auto-Open Enabled - An Auto Open schedule began on the indicated Door/Device
- Auto-Open Disabled - An Auto Open schedule ended on the indicated Door/Device
- Open (DPS) - A door position sensor (DPS) on the indicated Door/Device was opened.
- Close (DPS) - A door position sensor (DPS) on the indicated Door/Device was closed.
- Request to Exit Open - A 'Request to Exit' (REX) input on the indicated Door/Device was activated (opened)
- Request to Exit Closed - A 'Request to Exit' (REX) input on the indicated Door/Device was deactivated (closed).
- Propped Alarm - The door indicated was held or propped open longer than the configured prop trigger time.
- Propped Alarm Clear - The door indicated has been closed, ending the Prop Alarm.
- All Prop Clear - The doors indicated have been closed, ending all active Prop Alarms.
- Forced Alarm - The indicated door was opened without an allowed Credential being read or a Request to Exit (REX) input occurring.
- Communication Loss - Communication with the indicated Controller was lost.
- Communication Loss Clear - Communication with the indicated Controller was re-established
- No Person Associated with Credentials - A Credential read at the indicated Door/Device was not recognized or was not assigned to a Person on the Customer Account.
- Access Denied - A valid credential, assigned to a person in the system, was used at the indicated Door/Device, and access was denied due to either no Access Rule being present or a Deny rule is active.
- Access Allowed - A credential with a valid Access Rule was read at the indicated Door/Device, unlocking the Door/Device as configured.
- Duress PIN Entered - A duress PIN was entered at the indicated Door/Device.
- Card Scan Error - An invalid card scan (invalid/unknown format or unreadable) was detected at the indicated Door/Device.
- Overcurrent Detected - Higher than intended current draw to attached devices (reader, REX, locking hardware, etc) occurred on the indicated Controller.
- Overcurrent Cleared - Higher than intended current stopped occurring on the indicated Controller.
- Undervoltage Detected - Insufficient amperage from the power supply was detected with the indicated Controller
- Undervoltage Cleared - An insufficient amperage from the power supply event ended on the indicated Controller
- Input Power Connected - Primary input power was connected to the indicated Controller.
- Input Power Disconnected - Primary input power was disconnected/lost for the indicated controller.
- Low Power Mode On - The indicated Controller entered 'Low Power' mode, where any attached devices (reader, REX, locking hardware, etc) will be powered off to maintain battery life.
- Low Power Mode Off - The indicated Controller ceased to be in 'Low Power' mode.
- Battery Connected - An external battery was connected to the indicated Controller.
- Battery Disconnected - An external battery was disconnected from the indicated Controller.
- Circuit Breaker On - A 'Circuit Breaker' event occurred in the indicated Door/Device. This is a flood of event logging (40 events in 30 seconds) occurring on either input A or B (DPS or REX), this disables the input for 30 minutes.
- Circuit Breaker Off - A previously detected 'Circuit Breaker' logging event on the indicated Door/Device ended.
- Anti-Passback Violation - A configured Anti-Passback violation occurred.
- Partial Connectivity Detected - The indicated Controller is not responding but contact with the WiMac radio is established.
- Partial Connectivity Cleared - Communication between the WiMac radio and the indicated Controller is restored.
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